C4 Pre Workout Review (2024) | Is This Powder from Cellucor Worth It?

Ask anyone in the fitness community if they’ve heard about Cellucor and they’ll probably say YES. Funny thing is it wasn’t always this popular.

When the award-winning formula came out in 2002, it was a well-kept secret among bodybuilders and physical trainers who needed the extra pump to finish their routines.

I should know. I was among the first to try it out.

c4 Winner of The YearFast forward to ten years later and Cellucor entered the mainstream. The pre workout was no longer just for serious physical training.

Even people I barely saw at the gym started using it. In fact, C4 became such a huge hit that Bodybuilding.com named it “Pre-Workout Supplement of the Year” for two straight years in a row!

But that was a long time ago. I think it’s about time we realize that this top brand is an old product with the same old formula.

Now that more powerful and natural pre-workout supplements such as 4Gauge are available on the market, are Cellucor’s pre workout powders still worth the hype?

What is Cellucor C4 Pre Workout?

That product is a line of supplements from Nutrabolt, a sports nutrition company based in Texas. It’s designed to help you have longer-lasting workouts so you can do more reps, sets, and minutes than you normally could.

Cellucor Logo

Now I know what you’re thinking… Why can’t I just drink coffee or an energy drink?

The answer is simple, really. It’s because C4 products can do a whole lot more than boost your stamina. Like any supplements, it combines a unique set of ingredients to promote peak physical performance during workouts.

It provides four kinds of performance boosts:

  • Energy – which acts as fuel for your body
  • Mental focus - for improved concentration and alertness
  • Physical endurance – so you could last longer
  • Pumps – for enhanced muscle growth

C4 will also keep you from “crashing” after a long workout.

5 Types of Cellucor C4 Pre-Workout Powders Review:

There are 5 kinds of that pre workout powder – C4 Original, C4 Ripped product, C4 Ultimate product, C4 Extreme product, and C4 Sport product. Each one is specially formulated, and you get to choose based on your body’s unique physical demands.

Let’s take a closer look at my reviews of the C4 Powders, so you can figure out which one you need.

C4 Original

C4 Original


  • High increases in output and good pump
  • Has the most flavours to choose from
  • Available in 30 and 60 servings
  • Great for beginners
  • Works best for casual exercise


  • Doesn’t do much for focus and physical endurance
  • Not for serious physical training


You could be doing light exercise or a regular workout and it wouldn’t matter. This classic formula is an all-around solution for meeting most demands at the gym.

Original pre workout isn’t the best pre-workout on the market (I still think 4Gauge is and later I’ll explain why). But if you want a basic pre workout that can keep you toned and energized, this would be an okay choice.


C4 Ripped



  • Powerful energy booster
  • Gives extra pumps minus the bulk
  • Available in 6 flavours
  • Can help you lose weight


  • Minor improvements in focus and endurance
  • Limited to 30 servings per package


C4 Ripped Explosive Energy is the only pre workout with a unique Weight Loss Blend.

It has the same boosting properties as the C4 original recipe. However, the creatine-free formula means it can strengthen your muscles without adding to their mass or your overall weight.

Endurance-wise, it’s good enough if you’re starting off with light exercise as part of a weight loss plan.

But as you progress to more intense and more frequent workouts, you might have to double up your dose. Still, if you want to shred some pounds or if you’re looking for a creatine-free options, Ripped is worth the buy.


C4 Ultimate Pre Workout

Ultimate Pre Work


  • Provides maximum energy, focus, endurance, and pumps
  • You can choose from 8 flavours
  • Available in 20 and 40 serving packages
  • For advanced gym-goers
  • Ideal for heavy workouts


  • Lacks muscle-building components


When it comes to performance, there’s no doubt that C4 Ultimate is an absolute beast. It has a maxed-out formula that allows you to get the most focus, endurance, and pumps in every scoop.

Needless to say, this product is not for everyone. It’s for tireless gym nuts who want to keep pushing their limits and get through the toughest workouts.

If you’re into bodybuilding and want fast results, you might want to look elsewhere. It doesn’t have a lot of muscle builders so it could take time to grow muscles.

However, if you want the most potent product, you might want to consider C4 Ultimate.


C4 Extreme Energy

c4 Extreme Energy


  • Significant improvement in focus, endurance, and pumps
  • For experienced fitness buffs
  • Suitable for regular exercise


  • Limited flavor options
  • Only available in 30 serv. packages
  • Not for the caffeine-sensitive


C4 Extreme Energy is a step-up from Original, containing higher doses of its key ingredients.

As long as you don’t mind being dosed with 300 mg of caffeine, it’s a good choice for enthusiasts and beginners who want to transition from casual exercise to a more regular routine.

My only complaint is that it doesn’t have as many flavours as the classic formula. But you should try this if you want a stronger version of Original.


C4 Sport

Sport C4 Pre Workout


  • NSF Certified for Sport ®
  • Available in 10 and 30 serv.
  • Uses creatine monohydrate
  • Suited for athletes and professionals
  • Can be used in competitive sports


  • Least powerful formula
  • Not many flavours available
  • Feels more like an energy drink


I won’t mince words here. It’s the weakest pre-workout in the entire line.

You can’t even get as much pump as the Original. With the dosage toned down, C4 Sport feels more like an energetic drink than a pre workout.

That being said, it’s NSF Certified for Sport ® which means that you can use it in competitions.

Sport also deviates from the classic formula and contains creatine monohydrate (not nitrate), which is more widely studied. If you happen to be an athlete or just like sports a lot, you should consider getting Sport.


C4 Pre Workout Ingredients (Original)

There’s no doubt that Original works. I’ve tried it myself and have also worked with clients who swear by it. But I think it’s more important to know if the components that go into it are both safe and effective.

Supplement Facts

So in this section, I’ll be examining the science behind the ‘core ingredients’ of C4 Original and other nutrients that have been added in.

Ingredients: Natural & Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, FD&C

Vitamin C

One dose contains 250 mg (417% DV) of Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid. 


One dose contains 30 mg (150% DV) of Niacin as Niacinamide.

  • Niacin supplementation has been linked with serious complications in recent years. Among these are bleeding, skin problems, diarrhea, ulcers, a higher risk for infections, and muscle damage – yikes!
  • Furthermore, diabetics who supplemented with niacin were 55% more likely to experience difficulties managing their disease.

Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12

One dose contains 500 mcg (25% DV) of Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate and 35 mcg (583% DV) of Vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin.

CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine

One serving contains 1.6 g of CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine, a patent by Natural Alternatives International, Inc.

Beta Alanine
  • Several studies have shown the benefits of beta-alanine supplements for exercise. It delays the onset of fatigue, improves physical endurance, and increases carnosine content in muscles which can improve performance during high-intensity exercise.
  • The positive effects of CarnoSyn® have also been demonstrated through research. It’s proven to increase muscle carnosine, extend the fatigue threshold, and increase the physical working capacity of males and females.

Explosive Energy Blend

One serving contains 425 mg of this propriety blend from Cellucor. It combines N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Caffeine Anhydrous, Velvet Bean Seed Extract (Mucuna pruriens), and Theacrine as TeaCrine®, a brand from Compound Solutions, Inc.

Cellucor Flavor
  • N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (NALT) is a nootropic or a “brain enhancer” but its ability to improve focus and alertness during exercise is only supported by subjective reports, not evidence-based research.
  • A two-part pilot study reveals that taking TeaCrine® in 200 to 300 mg doses resulted in reduced fatigue and improved concentration, and motivation to exercise. Unfortunately, this study relied on subjective reports and not measurable data.
  • Numerous studies have proven that caffeine improves exercise performance by increasing muscle endurance, muscle strength, physical power, and cardio-respiratory endurance.
  • Mucuna pruriens contains significant amounts of L-DOPA, which supposedly helps you stay focused and motivated during workouts. According to one study, L-DOPA fails to produce a positive effect on the mood of healthy individuals. But it does help with the production of adrenaline and testosterone.

Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate

One serving contains 1 g of Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate.

  • Arginine Alpha Keto Glutarate (AAKG) is a nitric oxide stimulant that is believed to improve exercise performance and reduce fatigue. Sadly, the actual research is discouraging.
  • Supplementing with AAKG provided no benefits on the muscular strength and endurance of both trained and resistance-trained men.
  • While AAKG showed some benefits on upper body muscular strength, there was no significant improvement in upper and lower body muscular endurance.

Arginine can increase nitric oxide production, which leads to the widening of blood vessels (vasodilation). This process increases blood flow to the muscles during a workout.

The key factor in Carnosine’s impact on muscle performance is its function as an acid buffer. In exercises lasting less than a minute, our muscles do not produce much lactic acid. Therefore, for Carnosine to have a positive effect on performance, we need to be producing lactic acid.

Creatine Nitrate

One serving contains 1 g of Creatine as NO3-T®, a patent of ThermoLife International, LLC. C4H10N4O5 is a combination of creatine and nitrate.

How To Use It?

Take one (1) level scoop of C4 and mix it into a 6 fl. oz cup of water. You can drink it 20 to 30 minutes before exercise, training, or any activity with high physical demands.

Benefits & Side Effects of C4 Product?

What I love about it is how they’re formulated for very specific needs.  For instance, you might want to drink C4 Sport product before joining a professional cycling competition or a running marathon.

But if you’re doing cardio or weightlifting, you can choose from other non-sport varieties of this supplement to get more energy, endurance, pumps, and focus.

I could go on here and give you plenty of examples. But the point is that you can easily switch blends based on your changing demands.

It’s also widely available and can be purchased online. You can get it on Costco, Walmart, and Amazon.

Having looked into the contents of C4 Original product, I’m on the edge here. It seems to have components that works (C4H10N4O5, CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine, Caffeine, Vitamin B6), components that doesn’t work (Niacin), and components that may or may not help you at all (Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin C).

C4 Benefits

The ingredients found in the propriety Blend also fail to impress. There’s only 150mg of caffeine in every serving or roughly the equivalent of 1.5 cups of coffee.

For the caffeine-sensitive, this is good news. But for those who are used to preworkouts with much more caffeine, they will find this supplement is lacking.

Other ingredients in the propriety blend may help you maintain focus, stay motivated, feel less tired, and have the stmaina enough to pull through. But their exact doses are not indicated – and are probably too small to produce any significant effects.

Overall, you should see improvements in physical endurance, energy, and performance during exercise.

Most of its ingredients – including Caffeine, C4H10N4O5, and CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine – are at least proven to be effective. But because some ingredients “cancel out” one another, the results won’t be as powerful as you might expect.

Also, as I’ve pointed out, there are ingredients such as Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate with conflicting data so there isn’t enough scientific research to support its use.

Is C4 pre workout bad for you? Well, it has been associated with skin itching and tingling. However, it claims these side effects are considered harmless and a normal reaction to beta-alanine.

Is C4 Cellucor Pre-Workout Supplement Safe?

Should I take it?

Drinking it is safe as long as you meet the following conditions:

  •       You’re a healthy adult aged 18 or older
  •       You’re not pregnant or nursing
  •       You’re not taking any medications
  •       You don’t have any pre-existing conditions
  •       You don’t have a family history of diseases indicated in the label
  •       You take the product as directed

Otherwise, you should consult a licensed healthcare professional before using it.

What About C4 Pre Workout Taste?

C4 Original comes in 12 flavor options, including fruit punch, pink lemonade, orange dreamsicle, strawberry margarita and my personal favorite – Icy Blue Razz J With these many flavors, it never feels like you’re having the same drink.

I’m not going to argue which is the best flavor or tell you that you’ll love all of them. At the end of the day, it all boils down to personal preference. So I’m leaving it for your taste buds to decide.

Is C4 Original Banned by NCAA?

C4 Ingredients are not banned right now. For 2017 & 2018 after the methyl synephrine prohibition, Cellucor reformulated its products. The company lifted the synephrine from the ingredient list and added theacrine.

Following the official NCAA list of forbidden substances, caffeine also comes under the stimulant class. Another product that NCAA athletes stay away from using is preworkouts with caffeine as its main ingredient, and few with other supplements that are not regulated by the FDA. C4 is banned in multiple disciplines and shop because of an ingredient that C4 uses to have called, synephrine, which may provide a slight edge over their competition.

Is it Bad to Take Pre Workout Everyday?

I’ve been taking them for two years now. And yes, you’re right, I may not be burning the same amount of calories as I used to but you are also right, I’m not. That being said, I’m doing more cardio and I really, really, really feel better. Every time I have to get up and do some serious cardio (like spin classes), it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck! Seriously, it hurts like hell. I’m not 100% sure why, but my current weight is something that seems to be under my control. Not if my diet isn’t at least 50% controlled and if I don’t spend a couple of hours each day of my precious life running.

Preworkout supplements have been extremely popular in the past decade. Today, these supplements have come to be known as the ultimate post-workout recovery. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of taking a preworkout supplement on a daily basis. Boosting Iron Content and calcium silicate– Preworkout supplements are an extremely effective way to increase the iron content of your body. Iron plays an extremely vital role in boosting the body’s ability to supply energy. Thus, increasing your body’s iron content will enable you to gain more energy. Improving Workout Recovery – Taking these supplements like protein powder regularly will enable you to make the most of the training you are putting yourself through in order to build muscle and burn fat.

Is it Bad to Take 2 Scoops of Pre-Workout?

Probably not. You might get super jacked if you tried it (sure, why not? its possible), but the risks of overdoing it are huge, so be careful. A good rule of thumb is to take two scoops of pre-workout if you’re looking to be in the fighting or crushing phase of your workout. To get the most out of your pre-workout, you can’t go by the same old-fashioned thought that you have to use exact amounts of each product.

Just because a particular product has a few ingredients and uses traditional ingredients doesn’t mean it has to have exact amounts. Sure, you can only use a certain amount of pre-workout, but the amount of pre-workout that you can take will depend on your activity levels. Pre-workout will work best if it has a mix of compounds and physical-stimulation ingredients. To avoid negative effects from taking too much of the wrong compounds, you need to limit your intake of the bad ones too. In some cases, consuming a pre-workout powder can cause negative.

Is C4 Pre-Workout Good For Beginners?

If you’re new to the whole strength training thing and want to get going with your training, you’ll need something that you can use to boost your strength but also be something you can actually apply and use. What you choose is going to depend on your goals and what you want to do with your training – strength training is a big deal, so you want to make sure that you get the most out of it. That being said, this is C4 pre-workout and it’s pre-workout for the gym-goers who are trying to get into lifting and get accustomed to the results and results they can expect as they train.

Can You Sleep After Pre-Workout?

The answer depends on various factors, including the ingredients in the pre-workout supplement and individual tolerance levels.

Most pre-workout supplements contain stimulants like caffeine, which can have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Caffeine works by blocking adenosine receptors, promoting wakefulness and alertness. As a result, consuming a pre-workout supplement with caffeine shortly before bedtime can potentially interfere with sleep.

Individual sensitivity to caffeine plays a significant role as well. Some individuals may be more sensitive to its effects, experiencing difficulties falling asleep even several hours after consumption. Others may have a higher tolerance and find it easier to fall asleep despite taking a pre-workout supplement.

To ensure a good night’s sleep, it is generally recommended to avoid consuming pre-workout supplements or any caffeine-containing products close to bedtime. It takes approximately 5 to 6 hours for the effects of caffeine to wear off, although individual variations exist.

If you find that pre-workout supplements affect your sleep patterns, you may consider opting for non-stimulant alternatives or adjusting the timing of your consumption. It is also advisable to listen to your body and prioritize adequate rest to support your overall well-being and recovery. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and goals.

How Long Does C4 Caffeine Last?

C4 is a popular pre-workout supplement that contains caffeine as one of its key ingredients. Many fitness enthusiasts and athletes rely on C4 to boost their energy and enhance their performance during intense training sessions. The duration of C4 caffeine’s effects can vary depending on several factors, including individual metabolism and tolerance levels.

On average, the effects of C4 caffeine typically last for about 4 to 6 hours. However, it’s important to note that this timeframe can differ from person to person. Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system by blocking adenosine receptors, which helps to promote wakefulness and increase alertness. As a result, like using amino acid individuals may experience improved focus, enhanced endurance, and reduced fatigue during this period.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to exercise caution when consuming C4 or any other caffeine-containing products. Higher doses or prolonged usage can lead to potential side effects such as jitters, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and disrupted sleep patterns. Additionally, regular and excessive consumption of caffeine can contribute to a tolerance build-up, which may diminish the stimulant effects over time.

To maximize the benefits and minimize potential risks, it is advisable to follow the recommended dosage guidelines provided by the manufacturer and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary. It’s also important to consider personal factors such as caffeine sensitivity and any underlying health conditions before incorporating C4 or any caffeine-containing product into your routine.

Cellucor C4 Pre Workout: Enough Beta-Alanine?

The Cellucor C4 pre-workout supplement contains beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid known for its ability to enhance exercise performance and buffer muscle fatigue. However, the specific amount of beta-alanine in Cellucor C4 may vary based on the product version or formulation.

Beta-alanine acts by increasing muscle carnosine levels, a compound that helps regulate acidity during intense exercise. By buffering the pH levels in muscles, beta-alanine can delay the onset of fatigue and improve endurance, particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities.

To determine if Cellucor C4 provides an adequate amount of beta-alanine, refer to the product’s nutritional label or ingredient list. The effective dosage of beta-alanine for performance benefits typically ranges from 2 to 5 grams per day. Some pre-workout supplements may include lower doses, requiring users to consume multiple servings to reach the desired amount.

It’s crucial to note that individual tolerance to beta-alanine varies, and some users may experience a tingling sensation known as paresthesia. This sensation is harmless but may influence personal preferences for beta-alanine dosage.

In summary, while Cellucor C4 pre-workout may contain beta-alanine, the specific dosage can vary. Checking the product label will provide insight into whether the beta-alanine content aligns with established effective doses for enhancing exercise performance.

Is C4 Pre Workout Good for Weight Loss?

C4 Pre Workout is primarily designed to enhance exercise performance and energy levels rather than directly promoting weight loss. While it contains ingredients that can have indirect effects on weight management, its primary purpose is to provide a boost for your workouts. Here’s a breakdown of how C4 Pre Workout may influence weight loss:

  1. Increased Energy: C4 Pre Workout often contains caffeine and other stimulants that can increase alertness and energy levels. This boost in energy can help you work out harder and longer, potentially leading to a greater calorie expenditure during your exercise session.
  2. Enhanced Focus: Improved mental focus from pre-workout supplements can help you maintain intensity during workouts, which may translate into more effective training sessions.
  3. Thermogenesis: Some pre-workout formulas include thermogenic ingredients like capsaicin or green tea extract, which can slightly increase your metabolic rate. This might contribute to a minor increase in calorie burn, but the effect is typically modest.

However, it’s important to remember that weight loss primarily depends on maintaining a caloric deficit, where you consume fewer calories than you burn. While pre-workout supplements can support your workouts, the key factors for successful weight loss include a balanced diet and consistent, sustainable exercise.

Moreover, individuals respond differently to pre-workout supplements, and some may experience side effects like increased heart rate, jitteriness, or digestive discomfort. It’s crucial to use such supplements as part of a comprehensive weight loss strategy and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized guidance.

In summary, C4 Pre Workout can provide an energy boost for your workouts, potentially aiding in weight loss indirectly through increased exercise performance. However, it should not be relied upon as the primary means for weight management; a well-rounded approach that includes diet and exercise is essential for sustainable and effective weight loss.

Does C4 Actually Burn Fat?

While C4 is primarily marketed as a pre-workout supplement designed to enhance energy, focus, and performance during exercise, some formulations also contain ingredients purported to promote fat burning. However, it’s essential to understand the scientific evidence behind these claims to determine whether C4 actually burns fat.

The key ingredients in C4 formulations marketed for fat burning typically include substances such as caffeine, green tea extract, and carnitine. These ingredients have been studied for their potential effects on metabolism and fat oxidation.

Caffeine, for example, is a well-known stimulant that can increase metabolic rate and enhance fat oxidation, making it a common addition to fat-burning supplements like C4. Research suggests that caffeine can temporarily boost energy expenditure and promote the breakdown of fat stores, particularly during exercise.

Green tea extract is another popular ingredient in fat-burning supplements due to its high concentration of catechins, potent antioxidants that have been shown to enhance fat metabolism and promote weight loss. Studies have suggested that green tea extract supplementation may modestly increase calorie expenditure and improve fat oxidation, although the effects can vary depending on factors such as dosage and individual response.

Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that plays a role in fatty acid metabolism, facilitating the transport of fatty acids into mitochondria, where they can be oxidized for energy. Some research suggests that carnitine supplementation may enhance fat burning and improve exercise performance, although the evidence is mixed and more research is needed to confirm these effects definitively.

While the ingredients found in C4 formulations marketed for fat burning have theoretical mechanisms by which they could promote weight loss, it’s important to recognize that supplementing with C4 alone is unlikely to lead to significant fat loss without accompanying lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Moreover, individual responses to fat-burning supplements can vary widely, and some people may experience more pronounced effects than others. Additionally, the effectiveness of fat-burning supplements like C4 may diminish over time as the body adapts to their effects.

In summary, while C4 formulations containing ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and carnitine may have the potential to promote fat burning, the evidence supporting their efficacy is limited and mixed. Incorporating C4 into a comprehensive approach to weight management that includes diet and exercise may enhance its potential benefits for fat loss.

The Final Verdict. Does it Work? Experience and Results

Having used Cellucor C-4 for years, I can personally attest that if you want long-lasting workouts, this product won’t leave you hanging.

The pre-workout works smoothly when I train beginners to perform a light exercise, or if I transition from light to moderate exercise. It also holds up well with moderate exercise and I usually don’t feel tired up until towards the end of my routine.

Sadly, I can’t say the same for its other supposed benefits. There was a time when I drank it religiously throughout weight training but found no remarkable difference in my ability to concentrate.

4Gauge vs Cellucor

After training for a couple of weeks, the “extra pumps” didn’t do much as far as muscle growth was concerned.

Throughout my career as a personal trainer, I’ve mostly depended on Cellucor for endurance and used other brands to gain muscle and stay focused.

I have long wanted to replace it with a product that could meet all of my needs. So when Roar Ambition announced 4Gauge – a pre-workout that promises power, focus, stamina, and muscle pumps – naturally, it got me curious.

After weeks on 4Gauge, I noticed that I get the muscle growth and focus which it fails to deliver – plus the additional stamina you would expect in a pre-workout.

Compared to Cellucor, results are more noticeable and easier to achieve with 4Gauge.

4Gauge Pre Workout has all-natural ingredients, which is a bonus if you’re conscious about health and nutrition.

There are no propriety blends in this dietary supplement so you know exactly how much you’re getting of each ingredient.

Don’t get me wrong. I still think it is a good option. But Cellucor has relied on their “award-winning formula” for far too long that they failed to improve it. If you want something newer and better, 4Gauge is the way to go.

           4 Gauge

#1 Best Alternative Pre-Workout

  • Natural Ingredients
  • 5 Calories Per Serving
  • Effective Bodybuilding Supplementation
4 Gauge